Featured Brands

For the best in high quality wood floors in New York, there are a lot of trusted high-quality brands to choose from. We have them available at our showroom in New York City; we carry selected wood flooring brands such Mirage Flooring, DuChateau Floors, Indusparquet Flooring, EcoTimber Bamboo and more.

Mirage flooring is always a trusted brand for their environmentally-friendly and long-lasting products. However; for more contemporary tastes and a fresh twist on hardwood floors, EcoFusion flooring offers bamboo-based alternatives that look just as stunning as any other brand currently on the market. Of course; there are still a variety of amazing and eco-friendly brands to choose from.

Exotic woods from IndusParquet flooring and Triangulo flooring

If you’re looking for exotic Brazilian hardwood floors that are made from top-notch and woods that are sustainably harvested; then IndusParquet flooring is one of the best options for you. After all, if there is one thing that Louis Vuitton stores and Ferrari showrooms have in common, it is that they have the only the best rift and quartered floors from IndusParquet.

Of course, we can’t forget Triangulo flooring who does not only provide excellent selections of beautifully cut wood floor panels but also invest in the education of the community to assure the continuity of its advocacy to provide sustainable and high-quality wooden floors from their vast tract of certified private forest in Brazil. This effort is all to make sure that you get the best boards for your floor.

The contemporary choice: Mirage flooring and Ecofusion Flooring

Not a fan of Brazilian wood? No problem! You can always have your pick of top-caliber North-American hardwoods from none other than Mirage flooring. They only source their products from certified and responsibly-managed forests and are coated with their signature Nanolinx finish that makes their products extra durable and resistant to daily wear and tear.

While EcoFusion flooring may not offer hardwood selections; their roster of bamboo-fused products does not only look good but are also very durable and very eco-friendly and sustainable. Since their product is a fusion of hardwood scraps and bamboo; they look stunningly similar and share the same exotic look of products from Triangulo flooring and IndusParquet flooring.

There you have it Have your pick of the best rift and quartered floor panels from these top-notch brands.
