Signs that my wooden floor needs a Sanding and Refinishing treatment

Sanding and Refinishing of Wood Floors

Many owners feel the confusion of not knowing the exact time a wooden floor is in serious need a Sanding and Refinishing Treatment.

We wouldn’t blame them, although floor sanding service is not rocket science; it is still a controversial. Confusing and even intimidating topic that is hard to analyse for the untrained and unprofessional eye.

Estimating the current condition of the floorboards is not a skill and knowledge you are born with; so even with the slightest feeling of you not being completely sure; consider discussing the topic with a reliable and experienced contractor and ask for inspecting and estimating your wooden floor. In fact, even when there are any noticeable and dramatic issues and imperfections; your floor might be in need of some extra attention, so do not underestimate the importance of professional advice and recommendations.

Next, if you feel confident enough to inspect your own floor and look for signs of wear and tear and other imperfections; here is what you will expect to notice:

Worn finish: The main idea of floor sanding is stripping off the top layer of your floor that is mainly a floor finish. With time and due to a number of factors, mainly due to high traffic, heavy footfall, everyday use, etc; and the finish will start experience wear and tear to the point; where if you neglect it for longer you can start noticing spots and patches of completely bare wood, where the protective power of the finish is weakened, or does not exist at all. Remember that you need to re-finish your floor with the same type of finish applied previously.

If you are not sure about the type of finish, here is how you can identify:

  • Scratch a small hidden spot of the surface with a coin or a metal object. If it chips off; this is a surface finish like varnish or lacquer.

Otherwise, you can place a few drops of water on the floor and if white spots do appear you have a penetrating finish (oil-based or wax). You can identify wax finish by wiping an inconspicuous spot with a white rag with a small amount of ammonia. If the rag turns yellow or brownish. Your finish is wax.

  • Chipping, flaking and bubbling are signs of worn or damaged finish too.
  • Fine scratches and surface stains affect the entire appearance of your floor. You can get rid of them with the help of sanding.
  • Dullness or fading of the original colour can be results of high traffic or sun exposure. These imperfections usually affect the surface finish only and can be easily removed along the sanding process.

Generally, a sad, tired and worn look is a sign reminding you that re-sanding is much needed. In case your wooden floor looks like a patchwork quilt and this is not your genuine intention and liking. In order to get a uniform, even, smooth and fresh look. Refinishing is the way to go.

How Sanding Will Help For Wood Floor Improvement?

Sanding is the process of stripping off the top surface layer of your wooden floor with the help of varying in density and intensity of grain sanding paper.

While removing the worn finish. It can also remove a thin layer of the top of the bare wood underneath. In case it is needed and depending on the thickness of the wooden boards. It’s recommended every now and then, while it can happen up to 6-7 times in a life of solid wood timber. Up to 4 times in a life of engineered wood planks.

The improvement method is also recommended for newly installed. Unfinished wooden boards; because the process opens the pores of wood’s structure and the finishing product can be absorbed better. Adding a lot of strength and protection.


Wood Floor Planet

Font: Sanding

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