How to safe your hardwood floor in Christmas

With Christmas approaching it is worth thinking about how to protect your hardwood floors from the weather.

Protect your wooden floor from winter weather

Winter weather can be harsh and impossible to avoid. The main problems that you may be faced with are dirt, grit, debris and water being brought in from outside.

Hardwood floors can easily be scratched and damaged by grit and salt that is used to protect the streets and pavements from freezing weather.

There is also the issue of snow, slush and rainwater being brought onto your hardwood floor from outdoor footwear.

To minimise any damage to your hardwood floor, follow these steps:

  1.  Put doormats at all entrances to your house. These will help to catch any unwanted grit, dirt and debris from outdoors.
  2.  Remove outdoor footwear before walking on your wooden floor. Ideally these should be left in a porch or garage and not directly on your hardwood floor.
  3.  Sweep and clean your wooden floor regularly to remove any dirt or debris that has crept onto your floors.
  4.  If you have pets, clean and dry their paws as soon as they come inside.

Protect your wooden floor from your Christmas tree

If you are having a real Christmas tree this year then there are two main things to watch out for.

Real Christmas trees are inevitably going to lose some needles, so ensure you sweep around the tree on a regular/daily basis to reduce the chances of people walking on them and dragging them across the floor.

If you are having an artificial tree this year then be aware that most artificial Christmas trees have a metal or plastic stand that can scratch your hardwood flooring. It is advisable to place a floor covering, such as a mat or rug, underneath your tree to prevent any unwanted damage to your flooring.

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