Flooring to Avoid With Pets

Before choosing your flooring there’s two important considerations to think about:


No matter how well-trained your pets, accidents happen; food and water can spill out of their bowls, they can bring in mud on their feet and legs, create a mess after a bath or swim, and let’s not forget that some dogs drool, a lot.

Some floors can be permanently damaged by even a small amount of water if it is not cleaned up immediately. Waterproof, or at least floors with a high level of water-resistance, are necessary for any pet-home.


Dogs and cats’ nails make contact with the ground when they walk. Pet-friendly flooring should be scratch-resistant since there is not any such thing as scratch proof. This generally means hard floors. It is also a good idea to look for floors with a strong protective layer on top,

If you plan to install new flooring, and one of your goals is that it should be pet-friendly, some flooring types are best avoided.

  • Carpet

First, and probably most obvious of these, is carpet; and many pet owners will agree, is easily the worst type of flooring for pets, especially thick, plush carpets, unless you choose a carpet specially designed for pet owners. It wears extremely quickly, is easily damaged by urine, stains easily, attracts hair and is difficult to clean. Even without pets, carpets are still a major source of frustration and mantaince.

  • Solid hardwood

Solid hardwood flooring should also be avoided. Pet accidents or spills can permanently damage and warp them. Is not recommended because these supple floors tend to be easily damaged by pets’ nails, and any kinds of spills can cause permanent damage and staining. If the spill is big enough, the floor can even become warped.

  • Laminate hardwood

Laminate has not traditionally been considered a good choice for pets. It can warp if it gets wet unless you manage to get your hands on one of the waterproof laminate options manufactured recently.

Plus, its texture can be slippery for pets. This can be troublesome, especially for dogs who may be prone to hip injuries. However, recent technological advancements in the industry have spurred us to review a few dog-friendly laminate flooring options.

Wood Floor Planet

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